Friday, November 13, 2009

November Tootins

I will try to find items to rave about every month that Rootin seems to like or at least we think he likes or we like. Since this is my first Tootin List, I will start off with several Tootins.

1.Quiet Time Pet Bed - after a lot of research by my husband, we picked this bed and Rootin loves his bed - we even got a second smaller one for him. After trying to get him a plush bed at the pet store and having him reject everything that we put in front of him, Rootin immediately hopped into a smaller version of his Quiet Time bed so we snatched it up!

2. Puppia harness - Rootin likes to go after squirrels, cats, racoons, and even other doggies at times. He gets excited and pulls, which we all know if not good for a dogs throat. We decided to get him a harness after noticing that he was pulling hard enough to hurt himself, so we set off to PetSmart one day since we had some credit with them. While we didn't find quite what we were looking for, we did happen to see a woman with a chihuahua with an Orion harness on. I liked it so much that I asked the woman where she got the harness from and what brand it was. The very next day, we set off to Pawsitive Karma in Castro Valley and got him a Soft Harness in XL, black. Who would have thought our little baby was an XL? Puppia seems to specialize in small dogs, or puppies - go figure ;-p Like the name implies, the harness is soft, and the particular model that we bought does not require us to lift his legs into a hole - great for us as Rootin doesn't like his legs being touched that much. Instead it velcros around the neck and the bottom portion goes under his belly and clips on top of his back - this is a bad description, you have to see it. We really like it - it's by far the best harness that we have seen.

3. Happy Hips treats by DogsWell - Since Corgis are prone to back and hip problems due to their frame, it's important to give Rootin glucosamine. Happy Hips does this and unlike many treats that allow only 3 tiny bits, Happy Hips are jerky strips that are large and with Rootin's size, we can feed him 3 strips daily. With these treats, he can get rewarded constantly for good behavior and it's good for him - it's a win win!

That's all for now. More to come. Thanks for reading!

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